Weekend of 9/11 - 9/12/2010

Posted on 9/12/2010 9:43:38 PM
Author: Various

Artie describes it thusly...

Zen master got the most out his mosa. The most pieces after loud and spectacular crash with Amanda's easy star. Ez was towing the streamer. Chip got the most streamers plus credit for risking expensive plane. Scott flew a big spectacular twin. The dogs brother Dan? Flew a couple of his own designs.  One rolled and smashed on takeoff.  The other One  flew fast and furious
And furiously well. Anybody a writer out there. He built the plane from craft store foam board. Triple thick for the wings. Some one needs to write a build article for model airplane news and sell the plans. Also of note there was a huge aftenoon thermal and myself and guy with wing dragon caught it. We had the motors off and were not coming down.   Another fine day had by all.    

Alex Sez

First shift - I flew a couple of flights early today.  Calvin was just wrapping with a nice balsa E-flite T-34 Mentor when I got there.  I got a couple of flights with the Extra.  Bob arrived shortly thereafter to fly his custom foamies and flew a few flights with his single aileron twin boom ship.  Jim Peters showed up too with his heli but elected not to fly as the rain threatened to come down.  I then left Mitre, as the golfer arrived, to go over to Grove St. to join another guy Dave and fly the ultra micro Sukhoi.  He was flying an ultra micro Mustang.  It was fun till the wind decided to kick up, promptly grounding us.  The wind also made tennis challenging for the rest of the day, got yelled at for dragging mud into the club.  It was stuck to the bottom of my shoes from Mitre.  One of the disadvantages of early morning flying, ground is soft.  Hope you got some flying in today.
Rafe sez:  Who's Calvin ?!?!?  And... was this a description of Sat or Sunday???  Sorry I missed you this AM, I was otherwise occupied.

Derek Sez

Wow, what a nice afternoon flying. Even though I wrecked my Trojan chasing Chips ribbon. No biggie when I got home I was ready to hop online and order a new motor, motor mount, cowl, landing gear and whatever else it needed. Thank goodness my wife was hogging the computer ordering kids clothes, so I went downstairs to really assess the damage just to find out I was able to fix everything in about a half hour (except for the cowl). Very happy.
Thank you to Frank, Chip and the gentleman who bought the food and offered us some. You saved my ass since my phone was in the car with 3 (very old) messages from my wife saying dinner was ready :-) Amazing how you loose track of time when you are having fun.
Also glad to have successfully maidened FunJet #2, after countless failed launches with #1. I was very hesitant to send it in the air. Especially after I spent some extra time building it with carbon fibre, rudders etc. Thank you Fettah for helping me with the launch, it was perfect.

Oops, Derek was talking about last  weekend.

the zen master
the zen master


Alex on 9/13/2010 1:29:47 PM wrote:
Nice job Rafe in collecting all the reports together into a single summary.

To answer your question, Calvin is a quasi junkie who flies very early in the morning and has been progressing very rapidly. He had a Trojan when I first ran into him and now he's flying the E-flite Mentor. He's usually gone shortly after I arrive, so he must be the sole 5th shift pilot I guess, Dawn Patrol.

Dave Brancazio is another quasi junkie that I met at Grove St. He knows Fettah and Derek. He likes flying his ultra micro P-51 Mustang.

So, do you miss your Hobie Cat now that it's actually not in your yard anymore?

rafe on 9/14/2010 12:06:31 AM wrote:
I haven't been Hobie-less since I bought my first one in June 1980. It feels a bit weird not having one in my yard. But it hadn't been used much at all these last 5+ years. Happy to have it go to an enthusiastic smart fellow and the cash will buy some nice planes and RC gear.

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